About Speak Agent

      Speak Agent improves math and science outcomes by adding a language component that we customize to fit your existing curriculum.

      ticketOpen a Support Ticket

      Promo Image-Video What Is Speak Agent? (1 min.)

      Promo Image-Video Teacher Tour: The Basics (3 min.)

      pdf-icon  Accessibility Guide



      Activity guides are now integrated into the Speak Agent program! Click the guide icon from any lesson to view the relevant activity guide: activity-guide_icon

      Lessons and Wordlists

      Speak Agent lessons include a set of activities that incorporate words and concepts from a math or science word list. Learn more below:

      Find & Preview Lessons

      Save Time by Favoriting a Lesson

      Personalize a Lesson

      Print a Wordlist to PDF


      To get started, assign lessons to your classes and/or students. Learn more below:

      Assign Lessons

      Student Access to Assignments

      Edit, Archive or Unassign Assigned Lessons

      Approving Writing Assignments (Explain Your Work, Math Puzzles & Science Notebook)

      Classes, Students, & Co-Teachers

      Speak Agent students are organized into class sections. We support co-taught classes, too. Learn more below:

      Promo Image-Video Overview of Classes & Students

      Promo Image-Video Remove a Student from a Class

      Getting Started

      If you're ready to introduce Speak Agent to your students, start here:

      Promo Image-Video Teacher Tour: The Basics (3 min.)

      Signing In

      pdf-icon Teacher's Guide

      Promo Image-Video Your Teacher Homepage (aka Dashboard)

      Your First Speak Agent Lesson

      Student Logins (if you are not using Single Sign-On)

      Change Your Password (if you are not using Single Sign-On)

      Portfolios & Reports

      Speak Agent collects and shares data about students' usage and progress. We even store students' written and spoken responses for your review. Learn more below:

      Tracking Lesson Progress

      Promo Image-Video Formative Assessment: Level Up 

      Promo Image-Video Student Progress Reports

      Student Growth Measures

      Promo Image-Video Navigate Student Reports A-to-Z

      Student Portfolios

      Promo Image-Video Class Progress Reports

      Promo Image-Video School Data Dashboard & Reports

      For School Leaders: Saving & Printing Reports


      Students earn Speak Agent badges by completing learning tasks. Learn more below:

      Grades K-4: "Junior" Agents

      Grades 5-12: "Senior" Agents

      Technology & Troubleshooting

      Feeling stuck? Check out these FAQ and tech resources:

      Technology Resources

      pdf-icon Technology Requirements

      Clearing Your Cache to Update Permissions or Upgrade

      Frequently Asked Questions

      blocked-mic-icon Why isn't my microphone working?

      😱 An activity won't load—I get an "application error"

      🐌 My dashboard is "loading" forever or has a bunch of grey squares

      How do my students find activities in a lesson?

      My lessons are missing. How do I find them?

      Math Problem Maker: How do I review students' problems?

      Story Spin: How do I start a whole-class writing activity?

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