Find & Preview a Lesson


You want to find and preview a lesson to assign that aligns with what you're teaching in your math and/or science class.


  1. Sign into Speak Agent and click the Lessons menu item on the left-hand side. 

  2. From the Organization Lessons tab, use the filtering tools and keyword search to find your grade level and content area's curriculum-aligned lessons.

  3. Click on a lesson title to view a lesson details page to see the lesson's description, tags, and activities as well as access to activity guides and answer keys.

  4. From there, click the Preview button at the top. Use "Junior" for grades K-5 and "Senior" for grades 6 & up.

  5. You will see the lesson as students see it. Now you can run any student activity from here for planning or whole/small group instruction.

badge-70x70_super_sleuthMission accomplished!


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