The Language of Content

Articles from the Speak Agent team that provide classroom resources, implementation strategies, research-based perspectives, and updates regarding our Content+LanguageSM platform.

Using ESSER Funding for Your English Learner Program

The September 30, 2023, deadline to allocate ESSER II funding provided through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act is quickly approaching! Here are five ways to use ESSER funding for your English learner (EL) program.

Learning to Use the WIDA ELD Standards

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sweeping changes made by WIDA in their latest ELD standards framework? You are not alone! WIDA's 2020 edition is a fundamental rethinking of how we serve multilingual learners. There's also quite a bit of new...

Webinar: ELL Strategies for Digital Learning

Last year, Digital Promise hosted our first-ever professional learning webinar, and it made #1 that week. This year, we are returning with an even more popular session. It focuses on research-based academic language learning strategies...

A New Resource: Guides to Education Technologies

As school districts move to remote and hybrid learning models, it can be difficult to find vetted, research-based digital learning resources and tools that operate seamlessly across physical and virtual classrooms, as well as home-based independent...

New Products Make Speak Agent More Affordable

Until now, Speak Agent has been best known as a provider of custom ESL and STEM supplemental programs. Customization has enabled us to meet highly specific curricular needs. It has, however, put Speak Agent out of reach for many school budgets....

The Language Deficit and the COVID-19 Slide

I was recently reading an article about the challenges the NYCDOE is facing in supporting their ELLs and how these students are faring in the "new normal." Here's how one Brooklyn teen described it:

Free Distance Learning During COVID-19

Speak Agent is now available FREE (with no purchase obligation) for use during school closings for a limited number of districts (as many as we can serve on a first-come, first-serve basis). Our goal is to give your teachers resources to engage...

Close the ELL Gap Before WIDA and TELPAS Testing

WIDA ACCESS test scores in many states dropped again in May 2019. Now the latest NAEP Math and Reading scores are also showing stagnation or slight downturns. The 2020 testing window will soon be upon us. Now is the time to act and make a...

Speak Agent to Exhibit at ISTE, EDxED NYC, and Sanibel Leadership Conference in June

Speak Agent will participate in three major events this month. Our technology platform has grown by leaps and bounds this year, and we can't wait to share the latest and greatest with you!

First, we will exhibit at EDxED NYC at Hudson High School in...

Learn the Language of STEM at NSTA

Find Speak Agent's Language of STEM exhibit at booth 533 at the NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) Area Conference on Science Education. The event takes place at National Harbor, MD from Nov. 15 to Nov. 17, 2018. Come on down and visit...

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