Story Spin Academic Language GameStory Spin is a collaborative writing and editing game for teaching academic language comprehension and sentence formation in the context of any content area using your vocabulary.

Use this game with any wordlist that you find or create.

Scrambled_Sentences_Placeholder.pngJust pick a wordlist and Speak Agent instantly creates a customized team writing and editing game for you and your students! This game does require teachers to moderate. Give your students ideas on the topic, the beginning and conclusion, and other story elements. The game is best when played on a computer hooked to a project or interactive whiteboard.

Provides built-in supports for ELLs and finger-peckers.

Scrambled_Sentences_Placeholder.pngOn a student's turn, she or he is prompted to write a sentence using one or more words from your wordlist around the wordlist theme. Students can free write, but they can also access target words from the wordlist with a single click or tap to speed things along! (For early learners, try using a language experience approach.)

Spin the wheel to pick who's next.

Scrambled_Sentences_Placeholder.pngThe game randomly selected a student who has not yet played and "tags" her or him. This adds a little fun element. We recommend that teachers save corrective feedback for the editing step (below) to avoid embarrassing particular students. (The game tracks their answers and corrections as they play.)

Now edit the story as a team.

Scrambled_Sentences_Placeholder.pngThe last step is to collectively edit all the sentences written by the students. In this step the writers' names are hidden so as to avoid embarrassing them. Once all the word order, misspellings, and other issues are fixed, you can play back your story using text-to-speech or read it aloud!