Vocab Lab Academic Vocabulary GameScrambled Sentences is a customizable puzzle solver game for learning academic language in the context of any content area using your reading materials. 

Customize this game in under a minute using your academic language learning materials.

Scrambled Sentences Game StartJust copy a text passage of academic language and paste it into the text area. Speak Agent instantly creates a customized puzzle solver game for you and your students! 

Students have a blast unscrambling the story.

Scrambled Sentences Puzzle Game PlayThe game presents one sentence at a time from your reading excerpt. Students need to put the words back in the right order to solve the puzzle. 

Includes built-in supports.

Scrambled Sentences Game ProgressClues help students decipher word order. At level 1, some words start in the correct position. Puzzle shapes, case, and punctuation also offer clues. If a student does not know a word, she can select the word and hear it spoken.

Reads the completed passage aloud.

Scrambled Sentences puzzle game storyBefore beginning the game, as well as after solving the puzzle, students can listen to the full reading excerpt. This reinforces the context both before and after gameplay.