Measure Learning and Build Student Portfolios 

Speak Agent provides critical data for learning measurement, ESSA monitoring, and evidence—with zero data entry.

Zero Quizzing or Data Entry

The Speak Agent platform captures academic language learning progress, generates and stores digital portfolio items, and tracks assignment completion—all without you or your teachers having to lift a finger. There’s no quizzing or testing, so it doesn’t displace instruction time. All data capture is embedded within Speak Agent's online learning activities. Data are collected automatically as students enjoy learning through engaging digital activities, creative projects, and interactive practice.

Continuous Learning Measurement

Speak Agent measures acquisition of key academic concepts and language throughout the year. The platform captures thousands of data points for each student across varied listening, speaking, reading and writing activities to provide a composite picture of a student's knowledge. Then it assesses three key elements of concept knowledge so as to provide a confident picture of progress toward mastery:

1-introStudents gain familiarity with newly introduced concepts through multimodal exposure.

2-buildStudents build comprehension of new concepts through contextual stories and games.

3-applyStudents apply new concept knowledge using higher-order thinking by explaining solutions, analyzing claims and errors, and by collaborating with classmates.

X-icon The red "X" mark is used in Speak Agent reporting to indicate concepts that a student is failing to grasp. The reporting shows which activity or activities identified the failed attempts so that the classroom teacher may intervene.

Digital Student Portfolio

academic language student portfolio

A digital student portfolio is a collection of evidence, created by the student, that shows her or his work in descriptive context. This can serve as a qualitative indicator of student learning for teachers, i.e., it shows creativity and/or analysis of the words. It can also provide evidence that the teacher and school/district are making concrete efforts to aid special populations, as required by ESSA. 

With Speak Agent, teachers don't need to scan writing samples, upload photos, enter data, or do anything other than focus on teaching. Speak Agent handles everything. Writing and speech samples, open-ended responses, and other qualitative data are automatically captured in project-based activities. This even includes group activities. In the writing example shown at right, a student's original sentences are stored next to corrected sentences (after receiving peer feedback in a team writing activity).